Eddie Bauer vs Lands’ End Outdoor Gear: A Comparison

girl wearing down jacket in forest

Before you go camping, hiking, or backpacking, there is some necessary equipment that you have to bring with you at all times. After all, you want to be well prepared for unexpected weather.

There are so many types of products and different brands that it can all feel super overwhelming, but no worries.

We’re here to help you figure it out and today we’ll narrow it down to two of the best brands for high-quality outdoor gear: Eddie Bauer and Lands’ End.

Let’s see how both brands perform in this Eddie Bauer vs. Lands’ End outdoor gear comparison!

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8 Finnish Jackets and Clothing Brands for Outdoor Adventures

hiker walking in a park in Finland

Finding good quality outerwear can be a little tricky. This is even more true if you like to spend most of your time outdoors.

From wanting new clothing options to wear-and-tear, there are so many choices.

You want the best quality possible, but you also don’t want to break the bank.

With that in mind, today we’ll continue with another list of brands from a single country. And this time it’s Finland’s turn!

We have selected 8 Finnish jackets and clothing brands for your outdoor adventures. Let’s take a look!

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9 Swedish Outdoor Clothing and Jackets Brands: Our Favorites

town buildings in Sweden

Are you a fan of Swedish culture? No one does it better than Sweden when it comes to outdoor clothing! Why? Mainly because of their landscape.

Sweden is a beautiful Nordic country that embraces its nature and woods. That is why Swedes needed to adapt through sturdy clothing that was fit for their environment.

In this post, we shed light on several Swedish outdoor clothing and jacket brands that you need to check out, so stick around.

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Why is Fjällräven so Expensive? Are Its Products Worth It?

couple hiking on the mountains

At some point, you probably walked into a store with a Fjällräven product on display and decided to check its price tag. It might strike you as a surprise to see a simple outdoor jacket worth around $300.

Whenever you see an expensive product displayed, you might justify its price due to its high-quality material or brand name. While that does apply to Fjällräven, its high expense also comes from several other reasons.

Why is Fjällräven so expensive? It mostly comes down to their production process and their adherence to high ethical standards. In other words, they place their high-skilled employees in high regard and they consider what’s best for the environment.

Stick around if you’re interested in knowing more about why Fjällräven is considerably expensive and whether it’s worth the buy.

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13 Scandinavian Jacket & Clothing Brands that You’ll Love

woman hiking in Norway in mountain trail

There’s a wide selection of jacket and clothing brands in the market, and skimming over all the products can be quite a challenge. Not to mention how time-consuming that would be.

That’s why to help you choose the best brand for you, today we’ll focus our attention on the Scandinavian peninsula and its jacket and clothing companies.

Brands from these countries are renowned for their rain and cold weather apparel, so we’re sure you’ll find something in their collections.

We’ve picked brands from each Scandinavian country so they are all represented in this selection.

Let’s take a look!

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9 European Backpack Brands for Hiking and Outdoor Activities

woman hiking wearing heavy backpack

Every outdoor adventurer knows the importance of a good backpack. And with billions of retail sales, finding the right backpack brand can be highly challenging.

A backpack should be comfortable to carry, functional, and also ticks the right boxes when it comes to looks.

Luckily, there are lots of good brands on the market that will keep all your gear organized, regardless of the purpose you’re using the backpack for.

This is why in this article we wanted to discuss 9 European backpack brands that you can check today if you’re interested in hiking and other outdoor activities.

These backpacks are made using reliable and durable materials to withstand harsh conditions, and at the same time, there are lots of cool models that you can pick from to match the rest of your outfit.

So, keep on reading to decide on the right brand for you.

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10 Brands like Dickies for Work & Outdoor Wear: Our Favorites

young man working outside

When you’re in the market for quality outdoor clothing and workwear, Dickies might be your first thought.

And rightfully so considering Dickies is one of the most popular workwear brands in the world!

However, there are cases where you won’t be able to find a Dickies store near you, or maybe you can’t find that particular shirt on their collections at that moment.

If that’s the case, today we have compiled 10 excellent brands similar to Dickies that we’re sure you’ll love!

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