7 Best Parks in Turin, Italy (Hike, Run, & Relax)

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parco Dora Turin Italy

Turin in Italy is a beautiful city that is full of stunning parks and green spaces. Whether you are a local or a tourist, these parks are a great way to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy some fresh air.

In today’s article, we’ll explore 7 of the best parks in Turin that you should definitely visit.

First on our list is the Parco del Valentino, which is located on the banks of the Po River. This park is one of the largest in Turin and is home to many attractions such as the Valentino Castle, the Borgo Medievale, etc. The park is perfect for a relaxing stroll or a picnic with friends and family.

Another park that you should definitely check out is the Parco della Pellerina. This park is located in the north of Turin and is known for its beautiful lake, which is surrounded by lush greenery. The park is also home to a playground, a fitness trail, and a skate park, making it a great place to spend a day with the family.

There are many others, so let’s explore them all!

The Parks:

1. Parco del Valentino

The Parco del Valentino is a famous public park located in Turin, Italy, along the banks of the Po river. It covers an area of 42.10 hectares and is situated in the San Salvario neighborhood, adjacent to the historic center of Turin.

Parco del Valentino Torino

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The park is bordered by the left bank of the Po river to the east, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II to the north, Corso Massimo D’Azeglio to the west, and Via Francesco Petrarca and Corso Sclopis to the south.

The park features refined gardens, a romantic landscape design, and several artistic works, including the Fontana dei Dodici Mesi and the Monumento all’Artigliere.

The Parco del Valentino has also hosted various national and international exhibitions, including the Esposizione Generale Italiana del 1884 and the Esposizione Internazionale di Torino del 1911. It’s one of the most appreciated Italian parks by tourists.

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2. Parco della Pellerina

The Parco della Pellerina, also known as Parco Carrara, is the largest urban park in Turin, Italy, covering an area of 83.7 hectares. It is located in the western part of the city, bordered by Corso Regina Margherita to the north, Corso Appio Claudio to the south, Via Pietro Cossa to the west, and Corso Lecce to the east.

Parco della Pellerina / Parco Carrara - TORINO - Drone view - 4k - Fimi X8 Mini

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The park is named after the ancient Cascina della Pellerina, located outside the park, which may have been named after buildings or places where insolvent debtors were judged and exposed. The park features a variety of sports facilities, including a swimming pool, soccer fields, a BMX track, bocce and tennis courts, and a skating rink.

It also has two artificial lakes that are home to various aquatic animals, such as ducks, swans, and water hens.

The park is a popular destination for walkers and joggers, and it hosts the organizational headquarters of the annual Turin Marathon. The park has suffered from a decline in recent years due to safety concerns and the closure of the summer pool. However, it remains a significant green space in the city of Turin.

3. Parco Dora

parco Dora Turin Italy
Parco Dora Turin Italy: Dora Riparia River

The Parco Dora is a post-industrial park located in the city of Turin, Italy, covering an area of 456,000 square meters. It is situated in the Spina 3 area, where the large Fiat and Michelin production plants were located until the 1990s.

The park takes its name from the river that runs through it, the Dora Riparia, and is surrounded by various streets and landmarks. The park was designed by architect Jean-Pierre Buffi and landscape architect Andreas Kipar, who won an international competition in 2004.

The park was inaugurated in 2011-2012 and is managed by the City of Turin. The park features a variety of natural environments and pre-existing industrial structures, including the cooling tower of Michelin and the Fiat steelworks power plant.

The park also has a strong focus on the Dora Riparia River, with the redevelopment of its banks and the creation of a pedestrian and cycle path. The park is divided into five lots: Vitali, Ingest, Valdocco, Michelin, and Mortara.

The park has become a significant green space in Turin and is one of the largest urban parks in Italy. It is also home to the Kappa Futurfestival, one of the most important electronic music festivals in Europe.

The Parco Dora represents a significant transformation of the Spina 3 area and is a testament to the city’s commitment to sustainable urban development.

4. Parco della Tesoriera

The Parco della Tesoriera, also known as Giardin dël Diav, is a historic park located in Turin, Italy. The park is named after the villa at its center, Villa Sartirana or Villa Tesoriera, which was built in the 18th century.

Parco della Tesoriera a Torino

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The park is also known for its rich botanical heritage, with a variety of trees, shrubs, and flowers, including some species from distant origins that have acclimatized to the area. The park is accessible to the public through various entrances and is open from early morning to late evening, with parking available nearby.

The park has a playground, a dog area, and a bar and restaurant, and it is also home to the Bocciofila Don Michele Plassa. The park has undergone significant restoration work in recent years and is now a popular destination for visitors and locals alike.

5. Parco Colonnetti

The Parco Colonnetti is a park located on the southern outskirts of Turin, Italy, in the Mirafiori Sud neighborhood. It covers an area of 385,800 square meters and was built on the site of the former Torino-Mirafiori airport.

Neve a Torino (parco Colonnetti - parco Boschetto)

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The park is named after Gustavo Colonnetti, a famous engineer and mathematician from Turin. Along with the adjacent Parco Sangone, Parco Piemonte, and Parco Miraflores, it forms a contiguous green area of over 600,000 square meters.

The park features internal paths, playgrounds, a fitness trail, fountains, and a large natural area that is home to local fauna. The park is also home to the main sports facilities of the CUS Torino, including an athletics track and a golf practice field.

The area was previously in a state of disrepair but was slowly redeveloped into a city park. Today, it is fully restored and has become a popular destination for locals. The park also houses the Locanda nel Parco and Casa del Parco, which serve as a social and cultural reference point for the neighborhood.

6. Parco della Rimembranza

The Parco della Rimembranza, also known as Parco della Maddalena, is a large public park located on the hills of Turin near the summit of Bric della Maddalena, which is the highest point in the city at 715 meters above sea level.

HD Faro della Vittoria - Parco della Rimembranza Torino

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The park covers an area of over 90 hectares and is home to over 21,000 trees, many of which are non-native species, including conifers. The park features a panoramic square at the summit of the hill with the Faro della Vittoria at its center, the Arboretum Taurinense, and a network of pedestrian paths and roads that span about 45 kilometers.

The park was acquired between 1913 and 1914 with the intention of making it a popular park and various works were carried out between 1916 and 1917 to improve access. The park was named Parco della Rimembranza in 1923 and was inaugurated in 1925 to commemorate the victory of Italy in World War I and the fallen soldiers from Turin.

The park also serves as an experimental arboretum with trees from 400 different botanical species. The park is famous for the monument of the Vittoria Alata, a bronze statue commissioned by Senator Giovanni Agnelli in 1928 to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Italy’s victory in World War I.

The park also offers a beautiful view of the city and the Western Alps from the summit.

7. Parco Rignon

Parco Rignon is a small urban park located in the Santa Rita neighborhood of Turin. The park covers an area of 46,200 square meters and was inaugurated in 1970.

The park is home to the Villa Amoretti, which was built in 1760 by architect Plantery. The villa was donated to the city of Turin by Felice Rignon in the 20th century and now serves as a public library and exhibition space.

The park features a playground for children and a bocce court and is a popular venue for summer music events and other neighborhood activities. The park also has three entrances, one on Corso Orbassano, and two on Via Filadelfia and Via Piscina.

The park is managed by the city of Turin and is open to the public from early morning to late evening, with extended hours during summer events.

Lastly, if you need some outdoor gear to visit these parks, these articles may help:

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