Handpicked Outdoor Gear:

European Brands

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11 European Brands for Outdoor Enthusiasts: Our Top Picks

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woman hiking in French mountains

There are many brands from Europe for outdoor enthusiasts, but there are some that make highly resistant products, capable of protecting from any type of weather and light to wear.

They are ideal for avoiding obstacles during movement and for enjoying outdoor adventures.

Today we have chosen 11 of them, so let’s discover their history, characteristics, and main products!


1. Bergans of Norway

Bergans of Norway official website
Bergans of Norway official website

Bergans of Norway is a brand that creates outdoor wear for men, women, and children and was born in Norway in 1908. Since the early years, its philosophy has been based on making every outdoor adventure safe and carefree.

Thanks to very resistant clothing that perfectly protects against even the coldest temperatures and bad weather, practicing outdoor activities becomes fun. In addition, every element created by the brand is always full of comfort, practical to wear, and above all, it is very light.

This last feature was designed precisely to avoid limiting movement. A jacket model that perfectly represents the company’s characteristics is the Y LightLine Air 3L Shell Jacket for Women, which in addition to being waterproof, resistant, and light, is also very colorful because the company wants to satisfy even the tastes of the most particular customers.

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2. Salomon

Salomon official website
Salomon official website

Salomon was born in France in 1947, when the Salomon family, consisting of François Salomon, his wife, and his son, decided to start the company. Then in 1997, the brand was incorporated by Adidas and in 2005 it was sold to a multinational company in Finland, Amer Sports.

Today the company is part of ANTA Sports and is a real point of reference for outdoor enthusiasts, particularly skiers and those who love snowboarding. Not only does the brand make clothing, but also accessories and footwear.

Thanks to the continuous research of systems to protect against cold and bad weather, it can be said that Salomon always tries to overcome its limits.

An example is the jacket OUTRACK WATERPROOF 2.5L, particularly resistant and with an elegant and simple design at the same time.

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3. Ferrino

Ferrino official website
Ferrino official website

Ferrino is a real point of reference in the outdoor sector and the brand is originally from Italy, it was founded in Turin in 1870. A typical feature of the brand is that, since its inception, it has always aimed to seek innovative solutions.

In fact, it was Ferrino who created waterproof and very resistant camping tents in 1890, which were very successful. The company’s clothing items are also highly appreciated by customers and another peculiarity is the wide range of models that it makes available to consumers.

An example of a garment that can perfectly symbolize Ferrino’s characteristics is the KUNENE MEN’S JACKET, with bright colors, maximum practicality, and lightness. It is perfect to wear and does not hinder movement.

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4. Jack Wolfskin

Jack Wolfskin official website
Jack Wolfskin official website

The Jack Wolfskin brand was founded in 1981 in Germany by Ulrich Dausien and is very famous for making outdoor products.

According to the brand, safety must always be first, together with the high quality of the materials, but also protection from any eventuality and bad weather.

Another strong point of the company is its willingness to focus on sustainability. An example of a product is the Women’s Stormy Point Jacket, waterproof, light but very warm.

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5. 66°North

66 North official website
66°North official website

The 66°North company was founded in 1926 in Iceland and today it is an important brand for outdoor clothing. In the early years, it only made fishing equipment, which was sold to fishermen in the North Atlantic area.

Over time, the brand has become a success and today production is much larger, so much so that it includes almost the entire outdoor sector.

You can find just about every possible tool or garment for your outdoor activities and everything is done following two fundamental principles: safety and resistance. Versatility is also added to these two.

An example that includes all these elements is the Kársnes highly breathable windbreaker jacket, perfect for protecting against bad weather and especially strong winds.

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6. Helly Hansen

Helly Hansen official website
Helly Hansen official website

Helly Hansen is a company founded in Norway in 1877 by sea captain Helly Juell Hansen. Its first headquarters was in Moss, but today it is in Oslo.

In the first years, the founder aimed to produce only equipment for sailors, and only after a few years did the production turn to the outdoors in general, with particular reference to mountain sports enthusiasts.

A particular feature of the company is to research special technologies, such as the one born as early as 1980 and then perfected, and called Helly Tech®. This system makes the garments breathable, but also waterproof.

A product that we have picked is the MEN’S HP RACING LIFALOFT® MIDLAYER JACKET, perfect for your outdoor adventures.

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7. Berghaus

Berghaus official website
Berghaus official website

Berghaus is a company founded in 1966 in the northeast of England by Peter Lockey and Gordon Davison, with the aim of producing outdoor equipment. The first location was a small shop called LD Mountain Center in Newcastle, UK.

From the beginning, the company philosophy has been based on the search for innovative and top-level solutions. In fact, in a short time, the founders managed to be very successful, especially in the outdoor wear sector, considered one of the best brands on the market.

Even today, one of Berghaus’s goals is to stand out for quality and excellence, as can be seen from the Women’s Rothley Waterproof Jacket, light and perfect for protecting against any adverse weather conditions.

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8. Fjällräven

Fjallraven official website
Fjällräven official website

Fjällräven is a brand specialized in the production of outdoor wear for men and women but also for outdoor equipment.

The most important purpose of the brand is to guarantee everyone the possibility of making fantastic adventures in nature, wearing safe and resistant products, and comfortable and practical equipment.

As for the history of the company, it was born in 1960 in Sweden thanks to Åke Nordin and over the years it has become a reference for all outdoor enthusiasts.

A piece of clothing that brings the characteristics of Fjällräven is the Sten Men’s Jacket, perfect for protecting you from cold weather.

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9. Mammut

Mammut official website
Mammut official website

Mammut began its history in 1862 in Switzerland and its products for the outdoor sector are many. One of the most important characteristics is the desire to use the highest quality materials to always leave the customer satisfied.

In addition, the models are numerous, so it will be impossible not to find what you are looking for.

An example that demonstrates the brand’s attention to creating products that protect against any adverse weather conditions is the Fedoz IN Hooded Jacket for Women, also perfect to be worn on different occasions, not just for adventures in the outdoors.

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10. Salewa

Salewa official website
Salewa official website

The Salewa brand was founded by Josef Liebhart in 1935 and today is an important producer of outdoor wear, but also of outdoor equipment, shoes, and boots. The target it is aimed at is not only men and women, but also children.

The company’s philosophy is based on the desire to create products that meet the criteria of comfort and maximum lightness, and practicality. A model that can represent these characteristic elements is the Puez 2L Gore-Tex® Jacket for Women, waterproof and very durable.

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11. RAB

RAB official website
RAB official website

RAB has British origins and was founded by the climber Rab Carrington, in 1981.

Today its products dedicated to the outdoors are comfortable, and light, but also perfect for protecting against cold, humidity, rain, and strong winds. The materials used are always selected to offer maximum durability.

An example we have selected among the brand’s various products is the Women’s Mythic Alpine Light Down Jacket, soft and at the same time very warm.

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